
On Saturday, July 15, 2017, ACO Movie Night & Open Discussion will feature the delightful and moving independent drama, Dear Frankie. Set in Scotland, Emily Mortimer stars as Lizzie, mother of Frankie (Jack McElhone), a deaf and highly intelligent 9-year-old. Constantly uprooting themselves and relocating from town to town, Lizzie and Frankie are on the run from Frankie’s abusive father, a fact unknown to the boy, who believes his dad is a seaman who lovingly sends him letters about his travels to exotic lands. In fact, Lizzie has been writing the letters and is faced with a challenge when Frankie discovers the ship he believes his father is on will be docking nearby. A desperate Lizzie hires a kind, handsome stranger (Gerard Butler) to play Frankie's dad, creating bittersweet situations in this simple, quietly told film with a deeply honest and emotional impact. Join us as we explore the vital relationships children and adults need to feel safe, to be vulnerable, and to love. We will also discuss how we communicate and connect with words and beyond words. Susan Marcel, D.O. will lead the open discussion after the film.

Admission is free and complimentary refreshments will be served! Donations are welcome. ACO Campus, Princeton, NJ, 7:00PM. For reservations call (732) 821-1144 or Reserve Your Spot On Line





Dr. Susan Marcel discusses Relationships in Dear Frankie

Dr. Susan Marcel discusses Communication and Perception in Dear Frankie