







Saturday, March 24, 2018 | ACO Movie Night & Open Discussion featuring the documentary Generation Found | A powerful documentary that tells the story of one community coming together to ignite a youth addiction recovery revolution in their hometown.

Devastated by an epidemic of addiction, Houston, Texas faced the reality of locking up its young people at an alarming rate, or burying them. So in one of America’s biggest cities, people from all walks of life came together to build the world’s largest peer-driven youth and family recovery community.

Generation Found, independently filmed over the course of two years, takes an unprecedented and intimate look at how a system of treatment centers, sober high schools, alternative peer groups and collegiate recovery programs can exist in concert to intervene early and provide a real and tested long-term alternative to the “War on Drugs.” It is not only a deeply personal story, but one with real-world utility for communities struggling with addiction worldwide.

Dee Apple, Ph.D. and Susan Marcel, D.O. will lead the open discussion after the film. Dr. Apple is a clinical psychologist with over forty years on the front lines working with adults, adolescents, and young people who have battled substance abuse problems. Dr. Marcel is a psychiatrist with 25 years experience treating adults and adolescents suffering with depression, anxiety, psychosis and substance abuse.  We invite you to join us for a thought provoking and moving discussion as we take a clear look at what is possible in the face of the drug epidemic facing our community.

Admission to Movie Night is free thanks to the generosity of supporters like you. Complimentary popcorn and beverages will be served. Donations are welcome. For reservations, call (732) 821-1144, send an email to or reserve online.

Watch our new video with Drs. Apple and Marcel discussing the film. A more in-depth discussion video is also available.


Official Trailer